Hijab Colors for Brown Skin
Hijab Colors for Brown Skin

Brown skin usually turns heads with oriental beauty. Many girls now resort to doctors or Sun-baths to turn their skin into bronze or brown color. So, every brown skin girl should know that God has gifted her great blessing and a distinctive beauty and she should learn how to choose the best hijab colours for brown skin to give her face a more shiny and beautiful look.

Choose carefully the right hijab color that suits your brown skin. You should use light and remarkable colors, such as purple and pastel colors like pink and light sky blue and peach to show your face in its dark bronze attractive color. Avoid using dark colors and colorful hijabs as these colors don’t suit brown-skinned people.

Don’t forget to take care of the beauty and glamour of your skin and fixing its defects to enjoy a bronze and attractive look; like Beyoncé and Rihanna.

Tips for choosing the best hijab colors for brown skin:

  • Avoid wearing hijabs with dark colors such as black and dark brown as these colors make your skin look pale.
  • Avoid bright luminous colors like bright yellow, Fuchsia, and phosphoric colors as they make you look pale.
  • If you have colored eyes look for hijab colors that matching with your eye color to look more beautiful and shiny.
  • When choosing a hijab color for brown skin, avoid wearing the colors matching with your clothes, this would make you look pale. You should choose light hijab colors if you wear dark clothes or fairly dark colors if you are wearing light clothes.
  • Avoid the white color. Never put it around your face, as it gives your skin a very pale skin look. Choose the hijabs with solid colors or those with the least number of colors.
  • Warm colors are great with brown- skinned people. Such colors as soft gold, orange, dark green and dark red.
  • When you buy a new veil, try it on first around your face to figure out if it suits your skin or not.
  • Make sure to choose clothing colors that suit your hijab color and your remarkable skin color.

Don’t limit yourself in one style or specific colors. Always try different degrees of hijab colors that suit the brown skin. So maybe one of these colors might suit you. As the skin tone is various from one girl to another. Therefore, what suits you may not be the best for another brown- skinned one.

Here are some pictures of the most suitable color degrees for brown skin

hijab colours for brown skin

Best Hijab Colors for Brown Skin

Learn to choose Best Hijab Colors for Brown Skin

hijab colors for dark skin

Ideas for hijab colors for dark skin

Brown girl wearing beautiful hijab

brown girl with a hijab

best colour hijab and brown girl



brown girl wearing hijab to look beautiful

beautiful brown girl with a hijab


brown girl wearing a dark colour hijab

brown girl with a stunning dark color hijab

beauty of hijab and dark color girl

Wearing hijab to look beautiful and decent


brown girl wearing hijab to look decent

brown girl with a light color hijab

girl showing his watch and dark colors hijab

girl showing her hijab and style

This does not mean that you can not wear hijab colours for brown skin other than the previous ones, but we only mention the most famous colors for brown skin … Actually, you can wear most colors but the appropriate degree of color that you want to wear has disappeared and these are almost all the colors that best suit your beautiful brown skin

See also our article How to choose best hijab styles that suits for your face shape

For more glamour don’t forget to try the auto Clothes Coordination Tool on our website HERE to be a fashion icon.